Freedom from The Thinking Machine – Lection 4 3. Dezember 2019 Allgemein In the two previous articles I suggested two important actions that you can take to become free from the thinking machine: sending reassuring signals to the brain and focusing on doing only one thing at a time, without thinking about your next task or challenge. If you have followed even one of these recommendations, by now your belief in the efficiency of the thinking machine has already been diminished a little. Basically, this is the whole principle: stop believing that the thinking machine is effective – and it will lose its power on you. And when the thinking machine loses its power on you, you reach a state of blessed relaxation and silence. In itself, the thinking machine has absolutely no power. Don’t ever think: “This thought is so unbelievably powerful I can’t control it!“ This is a complete illusion. It is only you who give power to thoughts. In themselves, they are nothing more than a buzzing fly over your head. There is one more way to reduce even more the thinking machine’s apparent power on you: whenever you don’t have to use your smartphone, put it away. Nowadays, smartphones have replaced the thinking machine. The internal phenomenon has now taken an external form. Smartphones should be thought of as the physical reflection of the thinking machine: just like the ceaselessly active thinking machine inside your brain, we look at our phones at any available moment for absolutely no good reason. The problem is that in this way, we have neither the time to be aware of the thinking machine nor the chance to be truly silent. We are constantly occupied. But if you put your phone away, at least from time to time, you will be able to have some available time for awareness. Of course, this has become a big and deeply ingrained habit. Our brain, which has gotten used to being always busy with one thought or another, has now replaced the inner habit with an external one. Only this one is even worse: it distracts you from realizing that you need to transform your mind. Mind, brain and the thinking machine It is time to understand the difference between mind, brain and the thinking machine. The brain is only the physical part, or the physical expression of the mind. The mind is much bigger than the brain: the mind has very large areas in it that you never get to explore, because mostly you give attention to a very minor activity inside it, called the “thinking machine.” The mind has many areas that include a great potential of understanding and intelligence beyond the ordinary thinking. You could actually travel inside your mind and never find the edge. It also contains capacities like listening, silent awareness, and connection with something that is even bigger than the mind: consciousness. Keep this term in mind, since consciousness will become highly relevant in the last seven-article cycle of this series of 21 articles. The thinking machine, as I previously explained, is produced by the brain. It originates from a very primitive habit: the brain’s role as the protector of the organism. Remember, this tendency to look for a problem and to feel that something is missing and needs fixing is not really your own. And also the resulting habit of trying to control every moment and all past and future events has nothing to do with you. These tendencies are only a part of a primitive activity that you don’t need at all. You can live perfectly – actually, even much better – without them. Ideally, your brain needs to rest inside your mind. It works far too hard for no good reason. This is almost like an abuse of the mind’s beautiful energy. And as long as the entire energy is wasted on unnecessary thinking, all the truly great capacities of the mind remain dormant and unused. What a pity! Your mind is already free This is an important point: the thinking machine – with all the noise it makes; its desires, fears, worries, and conflicts – constitutes only 0.0001% of the mind. Of course, this percentage is not scientifically proven! You can think of it as the ratio between the night sky and the stars that appear as bright dots in it. The sky is endlessly vast and the distance between the dots is huge. Still, when we look at the night sky, we are so used to looking at those bright dots that we forget the huge space that contains them and makes them possible. The thinking machine always tries to draw your intention and to convince you that it has come up with some real problem or difficulty, something that you must worry about right now. But you don’t have to pay attention: in the same way, you can shift your attention to the space of the mind instead of narrowly focusing only on one bright dot. This possibility is significant, since it shatters the famous misconception that you must stop all thoughts in order to be relaxed and calm. If that were true – if you really needed to first quiet down the thinking machine – this would mean that you completely depend on the thinking machine. To reach silence you needed to wait for who-knows how long – perhaps for eternity – until you have finally managed to stop it. And anyway, how can you stop it? This thinking machine has been working for many thousands of years, so the truth is that no one can control it. The good news is that no one has to control the thinking machine. It may actually go on and on, gathering the full orchestra of thought and feeling to create its habitual noise, while you can be utterly silent and undisturbed. How is that possible at all? This perhaps sounds like a contradiction: to be silent while so much noise is produced by the thinking machine. It is possible because you have a mind, which is 99.9999% unaffected. I will say it one more time, in case you don’t believe me: you don’t need the mental chatter to end in order to be silent. You can be surrounded by it and still remain in profound silence, without being noisy yourself. Remember, since in reality the thinking machine exists outside you, it is only your choice to let it in or just leave it there, buzzing from afar. Your third eye is your key to the mind How can you do that? That’s pretty simple. Close your eyes now, and look for an area in your head or around your head that you identify as a thought-free area. This doesn’t have to be scientific: intuitively, find one spot where thoughts cannot reach. This will actually help you to locate the thinking machine – where it is exactly in relation to that place. Traditionally, you can bring your attention to the area just above the meeting point between the two eyebrows, at the level of the lower forehead. This point is called the “third eye.” We will explore and meditate on the third eye in later articles. For now, this is the only thing that you need to know about that place – that when you shift your focus to that point, it concentrates the energy of the mind and awakens the deep intelligence and awareness of the mind. It is as if you are gathering all the scattered energy that takes the form of the thoughts of the thinking machine and transform it into one concentrated state. In other words, you connect your brain with your mind. The brain doesn’t have to produce the thinking machine. This is why we speak of brain, mind and the thinking machine. In itself, the brain can be wonderfully efficient. It just needs to be well-connected to the mind and to be able to rest inside it. Follow this simple practice as much as possible throughout the day. Do not try to stop or alter the content of the thinking machine – this is an impossible task. Simply and gently remind yourself that there is enough room in your mind, a great space where the thinking machine could never reach. Hinterlasse einen öffentlichen Kommentar Antwort abbrechenDeine Email Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht.KommentarName* E-Mail* Meinen Namen, meine E-Mail-Adresse und meine Website in diesem Browser für die nächste Kommentierung speichern. Überschrift E-Mail-Benachrichtigung bei weiteren Kommentaren.Auch möglich: Abo ohne Kommentar. Durch Deinen Klick auf "SENDEN" bestätigst Du Dein Einverständnis mit unseren aktuellen Kommentarregeln.